Saturday, September 12, 2009

What Does Consumer Reports List As Best Steam Mop

Cream of Mushroom mushrooms with arugula salad with hazelnut Source: Gourmet Dinner Club (USA)

Serves 6:
3 hg. Chanterelle mushrooms
1 cucchiaio di olio d’ oliva
1 cucchiaio di burro
2 cucchiai di timo fresco, tritato
2 cucchiai di scalogno tritato
1 spicchio d’ aglio, tritato
4 uova
1 e ½ tazze di panna
½ tazza di latte
foglie di rucola
vinaigrette alla nocciola (vedere sotto)
Peel and cut the mushrooms into large pieces. Heat over medium heat in a large pot the 'olive' oil and butter, add the mushrooms, thyme, shallot, the 'garlic, salt and pepper and cook for 5-7 minutes.
Heat oven to 220 degrees. Butter molds 6 creme caramel and place in a large pan.
In a large bowl, beat eggs, add cream and milk and beat well, pour the mixture into molds, where they are already 'introduced the cooked mushrooms.
Fill the pan with boiling water, until the liquid level in the molds, and bake for 25-30 minutes, until the edge of the compound and 'clotted, but the center and' still soft.
Remove the pan from the oven, remove the satmpini and let cool, cover them with polyethylene sheet and place in refrigerator.
To prepare the vinaigrette hazelnut
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
½ cup of hazelnut oil
salt big
coarsely ground pepper
Mix ingredients in a bowl and refrigerate
To prepare the dish, season the arugula with olive oil vinaigrette nutty.
Arrange the mushroom pies to the center of a serving dish and arrange around the dressed arugula.


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