Saturday, September 12, 2009

Chemotherapy And Frozen Shoulder

Hazelnut Oil - The History

Saturday, October 11, 2008

rediscover an ancient tradition!

When I attended the Universita 'di Agraria, I often wondered if it was still possible to invent a new product in the catering or' rediscover 'a forgotten. ..
The big breakthrough in 2001 when a restaurateur of the Turin Hill (Stefania Ramasso the restaurant 's Paluch) I quote' the hazelnut oil. He used it regularly but I bought in France because Italy did not seem to exist.
born Driade, a virtual company (subsidiary of Enterprise Incubator of the University 'di Torino), consisting of three friends. Francesca Giubergia, Stanislaus Vial and me.

discover that in fact 'the hazelnut oil belonged to the old country tradition in Piedmont! He was missing for 50 years .. why '? How come we have the best in Piedmont hazelnuts in the world and produces no oil of hazelnut?

As if by magic, I find that the University 'is assigned to the department of Prof. Gerbi and Prof.Zeppa, a project by the Community' Leader Plus European Union called on the exploitation of by-products of the hazelnut oil, hazelnuts, flour hazelnut shells and oil free.
decided to rush headlong into this project. In 2003, coming to my graduation thesis ... the title was the pit.
Driade at this point decides to participate in the Regional Innovation Award with this project. We arrived early.
sharing in the National Innovation Award (Piero Angela among judges imagine ...) e arrivammo finalisti…
Nonostante tutti questi fattori positivi, seduti a tavolino ci rendemmo conto che non c’era un utile commerciale (i costi di estrazione erano troppo elevati) e che il progetto non poteva procedere come l’avevamo sognato.
Che fare dunque?
Beh io ero cocciuto.
Decisi di procedere comunque...
Il MUST ufficiale era che IL MARCHIO PARIANI AVREBBE COMMERCIALIZZATO SOLO PRODOTTI 'NUOVI' O RIPESCATI DALLA TRADIZIONE. Alla base di tutto la ricerca universitaria e quella personale.
Nasce dunque l’Olio di Nocciola Pariani estratto dalla sola Nocciola Piemonte IGP.
The production could not be Cortemilia (corilicolo world center of excellence). That 's where the production plant was established.
Elena Leonardi Currently it is responsible. And 'she who manages laboratories Cortemilia and with admirable care, as only a woman can do, is responsible for the extraction of oil from Piedmont Hazelnuts IGP.

in the channel of catering and food, we are pleased to be distributed in Italy by Jolanda de Colo 'and they are grateful for believing in my project. In
Confectionery segment is to be distributed instead Castellani.
Abroad we are having a great success! Japan, Germany, Spain, the United States and Russia are just some of the markets on which we started to do a great job.

From then on ... well everything accomplished!

oil pistachio, pine nut oil of S. Redness, Almond Oil Romana di Noto and spreadable cream hazelnut oil, are the new products marketed recently ...
Wish me good luck!
Mattia Pariani


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