Saturday, September 12, 2009

What Color Roof Of My Mouth

Once upon a time the hazelnut oil ....

Chef magazine

Once upon a time, in the Langhe, the hazelnut oil, produced 'poor' that farmers obtained from the nuts with their homemade presses, and which was then used on the tables family, instead of olive oil, too expensive and too difficult to find.
Today this tradition lives on: it is precisely in the heart of the Langhe, in Cortemilia, corilicola Piedmont area considered best in the world for the cultivation of hazelnut, Pariani that decided to invest resources and energy.
all starts from the combination of the Piedmont Hazelnuts IGP and the innovative process used to turn it into oil: pressing is due to a mechanical technology designed and developed at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Turin for a research project of the European Community on the nut and its by-products. E 'in this context that Matthias Pariani develops his thesis, titled' The Stone '.
This is the starting point for the entrepreneurial project, taking shape in 2008. Laboratories Cortemilia Pariani produces oil of roasted hazelnuts and squeezing only the variety Tonda Gentile delle Langhe, Piemonte IGP: The only allowed for the production of hazelnut oil Pariani.

The result is a product of high quality, rich in essential fatty acids, obtained without any addition, with an unmistakable aroma and fragrance, which are provided by toasting the nuts before they are pressed.
Oil Piedmont hazelnuts Pariani is a product of 'new', which simultaneously recovers the authentic flavors of traditional food and wine from Piedmont.
It 's a cru: hazelnuts come exclusively from corileti Azienda Agricola Marco Gatti Cortemilia.
to its quality and taste may be, rightfully, be placed at the top of the pyramid of quality edible oils.
Thanks to the inimitable flavor, taste, fragrant and firm, but always very pleasant with intensely flavored foods, its use in the kitchen is versatile and refined on salads, meat and fish carpaccio, enhances the flavor of roasts, and boiled white meat. Not only that: it is the ideal machine for confectionery and chocolate: a 'good variation on the theme of pairing between cocoa and hazelnut. The
'Hazelnut Liquid' Pariani is present in many cuisines of the most famous restaurants in Italy (Enoteca Pinchiorri) United States (The French Laundry), Germany, Japan, Russia, Dubai (Bice), also in the prestigious showcase for the wine bar Marchesi de 'Frescobaldi at the airport of Rome Fiumicino. Many programs
tasting & testing at an international school of haute cuisine, associations of chefs, gourmet clubs.
line Pariani Hazelnut, as well as the sale of selected lots of Piedmont hazelnuts IGP oil free meal is complemented by toasted hazelnuts, a natural byproduct of pressing of nuts.
absolute novelty on the market, which were free of gluten and therefore suitable to then suffer from celiac disease, the disoiled Hazelnut flour is excellent Pariani also mixed with wheat flour / manitoba for making bread and pasta 'special' (maltagliati, noodles, etc. ...), in delicious pastries.
Speaking of new entry, just passed the edition of the event in Turin Chocolate 'was the ideal stage for the launch of Crema Pariani Buttery hazelnut oil. Created in collaboration with the chocolate chocolate Lorenzo Zuccarello Zuccarello Collegno (To), this replaces the spreadable fat components of the 'traditional' with hazelnut oil. The result is an exciting new gourmet delight the special creaminess' and a unique flavor.
Finally, Pariani last born in the house: the 'Oil and the Oil of Pine Nut Pistachio from Bronte St. Redness, two products derived from cold pressing of two extraordinary 'fruits' of the Mediterranean vegetation. These extracts, real elixir of style and are intended for food lovers as gourmands: in fact represent the ideal 'complete' recipe of haute cuisine, be it traditional or creative, but still manage to bring out the simplest dishes, giving aroma and taste great, able to surprise every day.
Pariani Hazelnut oil is distributed in Italy by Jolanda de Tilly, and is sold in the delicatessens Enei best Italian restaurants.

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Hazelnut Oil - The History

Saturday, October 11, 2008

rediscover an ancient tradition!

When I attended the Universita 'di Agraria, I often wondered if it was still possible to invent a new product in the catering or' rediscover 'a forgotten. ..
The big breakthrough in 2001 when a restaurateur of the Turin Hill (Stefania Ramasso the restaurant 's Paluch) I quote' the hazelnut oil. He used it regularly but I bought in France because Italy did not seem to exist.
born Driade, a virtual company (subsidiary of Enterprise Incubator of the University 'di Torino), consisting of three friends. Francesca Giubergia, Stanislaus Vial and me.

discover that in fact 'the hazelnut oil belonged to the old country tradition in Piedmont! He was missing for 50 years .. why '? How come we have the best in Piedmont hazelnuts in the world and produces no oil of hazelnut?

As if by magic, I find that the University 'is assigned to the department of Prof. Gerbi and Prof.Zeppa, a project by the Community' Leader Plus European Union called on the exploitation of by-products of the hazelnut oil, hazelnuts, flour hazelnut shells and oil free.
decided to rush headlong into this project. In 2003, coming to my graduation thesis ... the title was the pit.
Driade at this point decides to participate in the Regional Innovation Award with this project. We arrived early.
sharing in the National Innovation Award (Piero Angela among judges imagine ...) e arrivammo finalisti…
Nonostante tutti questi fattori positivi, seduti a tavolino ci rendemmo conto che non c’era un utile commerciale (i costi di estrazione erano troppo elevati) e che il progetto non poteva procedere come l’avevamo sognato.
Che fare dunque?
Beh io ero cocciuto.
Decisi di procedere comunque...
Il MUST ufficiale era che IL MARCHIO PARIANI AVREBBE COMMERCIALIZZATO SOLO PRODOTTI 'NUOVI' O RIPESCATI DALLA TRADIZIONE. Alla base di tutto la ricerca universitaria e quella personale.
Nasce dunque l’Olio di Nocciola Pariani estratto dalla sola Nocciola Piemonte IGP.
The production could not be Cortemilia (corilicolo world center of excellence). That 's where the production plant was established.
Elena Leonardi Currently it is responsible. And 'she who manages laboratories Cortemilia and with admirable care, as only a woman can do, is responsible for the extraction of oil from Piedmont Hazelnuts IGP.

in the channel of catering and food, we are pleased to be distributed in Italy by Jolanda de Colo 'and they are grateful for believing in my project. In
Confectionery segment is to be distributed instead Castellani.
Abroad we are having a great success! Japan, Germany, Spain, the United States and Russia are just some of the markets on which we started to do a great job.

From then on ... well everything accomplished!

oil pistachio, pine nut oil of S. Redness, Almond Oil Romana di Noto and spreadable cream hazelnut oil, are the new products marketed recently ...
Wish me good luck!
Mattia Pariani

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Hazelnut Oil extracted from Piedmont Hazelnuts IGP


E 'in the heart of the Langhe and precisely Cortemilia born' s Hazelnut Oil Pariani , the result of the ingenious combination of the Piedmont hazelnuts IGP (cultivar Tonda Gentile trefoil) and the innovative technological process used to turn it into oil.
In the Langhe, the most powerful 'recognized for its great wines, white truffles and fabulous cheeses, farmers already' in the past the oil produced by pressing the Piedmontese hazelnut.
According to experts, is the best in the world, thanks to its quality 'organoleptic persistence and elegance.
The objective is therefore to boost the market a product that retains the Piedmont in its traditions but, for a long time, it was forgotten because of the excessive costs of implementation.
The extraction of oil from the Tonda Gentile trefoil (Piedmont IGP) occurs through a mechanical cold-pressing technology, using only the Tonda Gentile delle Langhe, selected with care. Nothing more.
A serving of nuts is toasted before pressing for the end product a great richness in flavor and aroma. The remaining portion is pressed raw to preserve polyphenols perisperm in hazelnut, increasing the stability 'of the product and the nutritional values, with high intakes of vitamins and proteins.
We offer consumers' demands around the world and creativity 'of the best restaurants, the opportunity' to experience a new dimension of taste.
L ' Pariani Hazelnut Oil is perfect for creative cuisine, the exaltation of taste and pastries. Try it on a carpaccio, a 'ravioli del plin' or an interesting vinaigrette.

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Hazelnut Oil Pariani

Technical Notes:
geographical origin : corilicola the area of \u200b\u200bthe Langhe in Piedmont province of Cuneo, considered the best in the world for the cultivation of hazelnuts.
Cultivar: the only variety 'is used the Tonda Gentile trefoil (PIEDMONT IGP), its fruits are mainly spherical and are carefully selected before processing.
Extraction : the nuts are cold pressed in a specially designed hydraulic press at a pressure of 270 bar, after being shelled and toasted side.
The roasting is done to ensure the maximum intensity 'of smell and taste, in an infrared oven, always working on small batches of product. The portion of the raw nuts are pressed immediately after shelling in order to preserve the quality '.
The extracted oil is decanted and then filtered before bottling.
Acidity: very small, typically about 0.19% oleic acid.
Appearance: deep yellow color, good texture.
Scent: clean nutty.
Taste: fruity, soft.
density : 0.920g/cmc.

The main features :

  • Presence of AGE , essential fatty acids that the body can not synthesize itself and must therefore take from foods.

  • high nutritional value.

  • Ideal if used raw but equally suitable for cooking not too violent.

  • Good quantity 'of tocopherols, useful to prevent oxidation and rancidity.

  • Good percentage of oleic acid, by its very stable to oxidation characteristic: so good shelf life '.

  • compatibility 'with contrasting flavors : Although the taste of hazelnuts can be distinguished very well, the 'oil is also nice when combined with foods with intense flavor.

Bottle: bottles of black satin 40 ml/100 ml and 500 ml with an elegant and innovative design.
The special cardboard box is a further protection from light.
Use :
  • Refined product ideal table on cold dishes such as salads and raw red meat (ideal for vinaigrette and mayonnaise ).
  • Also effective on the first such agnolotti and preferably seasoned roasts.
  • Irreplaceable working in some of pastry.
  • hypotensive properties.
  • extraordinary potential 'for use in cosmetics emollients or creams applied externally on the body with a light massage

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Venerdì 26 settembre 2008


Pescare nella tradizione, usare le moderne tecnologie e lanciare un nuovo-antico prodotto agroalimentare. Questa e' la formula scelta da MATTIA PARIANI, nel cuore delle Langhe, per ricreare un olio di nocciole molto apprezzato dall'alta cucina. «In Piemonte, fino a sessant'anni fa - dice PARIANI - era normale per i contadini fare olio di nocciola con piccoli torchi, perche' le olive erano troppo care. Poi, col tempo, la pratica si e' persa». L'iniziatva nasce nel 2002 dalla collaborazione con l'Universita' di Torino, e in particolare con i professori Gerbi wedge and the College 'of Agriculture, following a project called "Leader Plus European Union. Today, the laboratories to make the hazelnut oil are Cortemilia. Here the hazelnut 'Tonda Gentile delle Langhe', recognized as the best in the world for its quality 'organoleptic, is cold-pressed, with an innovative technology designed to School' of Agriculture of Turin. A serving of nuts are toasted before pressing, to give the final product a high richness of flavor and a distinctive smell. The rest is roasted raw nuts to preserve polyphenols, increasing the stability 'of the product and the nutritional values, with high intakes of vitamins and proteins. "We are talking about a product almost unknown to the world - says Professor Vincenzo Gerbi - it can only be made in France, where, however, is extracted with solvents, at the expense of quality ', and in the rare cases where it is cold extracted, are used hazelnuts quality 'less with less sophisticated technologies than those used in Cortemilia. To publicize its oil Mattia Pariani and 'Slow Food in touch with and some cooking schools that are experimenting and have expressed positive evaluations. "In any case - states with confidence Pariani - we place ourselves at the top of the pyramid of edible oils for fine quality and pleasure." In addition to Italy in the hazelnut oil is being tested abroad from internationally renowned chefs such as Mario Frittoli (Luxor, Tokyo), Christophe Bellanca (Le Cirque, New York) and also in associations and clubs to gourmet. Cosi 'and as' commenced exports in some countries such as Japan, Germany, Russia.


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Hazelnut Oil ... second Cosimo Torlo .

Thursday, July 31, 2009
La Stampa.

The wandering glutton 27/6/2008
oil? Hazelnut

Cortemilia is the home of hazelnut 'Tonda Gentile delle Langhe', used mainly for preparing chocolate cakes. But there was a time when the farmers of the high Langa used to extract the hazelnut oil suitable for human consumption. A tradition that has been disappearing over time, but in recent years some producers have resurrected one of them is Matthew Pariani (info @ Pariani. Org), which has specially designed a hydraulic press with which he gets a squeeze mechanical cold. While the roast is done, to ensure maximum intensity of aroma and flavor, in an infrared oven, always working on small batches of product.

Today Langhe hazelnut oil is conquering the throat of many passionate cooks, and already some of the greatest chefs, among others Pinchiorri of restaurants in Florence and Scabin Combal of Zero Rivoli loved in their pantry this oil. The reason is that we are faced with a product that has unique and original, shows an intense yellow color, a fruity and soft. So great for salads and cold dishes like raw meat or sausage Bra, but also salads and fish carpaccio. We we very much appreciated on a quick and easy recipe, take 12 scallops and let them open in a skillet over high heat, remove it from the shells, mix them with chopped garlic and parsley and fry with hazelnut oil for 5 minutes , subdividing Serve in the shells. A dish best served with bubbles Contadi Castaldi, Franciacorta Satèn '02, a seductive wine, fresh and persistent.

In Turin, the oil can be found in that place of what is the culinary delights Baudracco, a family devoted to our taste buds to enjoy.

FOOD Baudracco

TORINO Corso Vittorio Emanuele 62 Tel. 011/54.55.82

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Nice. com and Pariani: Hazelnut Oil Langhe, a gastronomic journey not to be missed!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

On the table with the hazelnut oil

"We're talking about a product almost unknown to the world," says Professor Vincenzo Gerbi. It is the hazelnut oil back into the limelight after Mattia Pariani, collaborating with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Turin, the home of hazelnuts Cortemilia has specially designed a hydraulic press with which he gets a cold mechanical pressing. As for roasting, for maximum intensity of aroma and flavor, using an infrared oven, always working on small quantities. Pariani says: "As long as sixty years ago it was common for farmers to make hazelnut oil with small presses, because the olives were too expensive. Then over time the practice has been lost. " Today, the Langhe hazelnut oil is conquering Gorge molti appassionati di cucina, e già alcuni dei nostri più grandi chef, tra gli altri Pinchiorri del ristorante di Firenze e Scabin del Combal Zero di Rivoli hanno aggiunto nella loro dispensa questo olio. La ragione sta nel fatto che ci troviamo davanti ad un prodotto che ha delle caratteristiche uniche ed originali; si presenta con un bel colore giallo intenso, un sapore fruttato e morbido. Ottimo dunque per piatti freddi come insalate e carni crude o la salsiccia di Bra, ma anche carpacci ed insalate di pesce. Grazie a Slowfood e ai più grandi chef italiani nel mondo di quest’olio sentiremo sempre più parlare

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Warm salad of mackerel to 'hazelnut oil Source: Pauleia (France)

Serves 4:
4 mackerel, fillet
200 gr. mixed salad (endive, arugula, Dutch etc)
a shallot, thinly sliced \u200b\u200b
a tablespoon of chopped basil
a tablespoon of vinegar
tablespoon hazelnut oil
Arrange fish fillets in a pan, add salt and pepper.
Cook in oven on high heat for 5 minutes,
and arrange on 'salad with the ingredients listed.

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Ostrich marinated roasted hazelnuts, and a sauce of 'garlic Source: (GB)

Dosi per 4 persone:
1 Kg. Di arrosto di struzzo
di tazza piu’ un cucchiaio di olio di nocciola
di tappa di olio di mais
3 spicchi d’ aglio, tritati
1 cipolla dolce, tagliata finemente
½ tazza piu’ 1/3 di tazza di Noilly Prat
½ cucchiaio di sale
½ cucchiaio di pepe nero macinato
1 tablespoon finely minced fresh rosemary
2 / 3 cup beef broth
2 tablespoons butter
Wipe 'roasted a paper towel. Mix ¼ cup of hazelnut oil, the 'corn oil, the' garlic, onion, ½ cup of vermouth, rosemary and salt & pepper to taste in a plastic bag and tin. Add an 'roast ostrich, seal the bag and let marinate in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours during the process, turning the bag 3 or 4 times to distribute the marinatura.
Preriscaldare il forno a 250 gradi. Rimuovere lo struzzo dalla marinatura ed asciugare con un tovagliolo di carta.
Piazzare la carne in una piccola teglia, e cospargere col rimanente cucchiaio di olio di nocciola. Arrostire per 20-25 minuti, mettere la carne su di un piatto e tenere in caldo mentre si prepara la salsa.
Aggiungere il brodo nella teglia di cottura, e la rimanente 1/3 di tazza di vermouth. Riscaldare a fuoco medio e far bollire il liquido fino a quando ridotto della meta’, e aggiungere il burro; togliere dal fuoco ed aggiungere l’ aglio, sale e pepe a volonta’.
Cut meat into thin slices, arrange on warm plates and sprinkle the sauce. Serve immediately.

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Cream of Mushroom mushrooms with arugula salad with hazelnut Source: Gourmet Dinner Club (USA)

Serves 6:
3 hg. Chanterelle mushrooms
1 cucchiaio di olio d’ oliva
1 cucchiaio di burro
2 cucchiai di timo fresco, tritato
2 cucchiai di scalogno tritato
1 spicchio d’ aglio, tritato
4 uova
1 e ½ tazze di panna
½ tazza di latte
foglie di rucola
vinaigrette alla nocciola (vedere sotto)
Peel and cut the mushrooms into large pieces. Heat over medium heat in a large pot the 'olive' oil and butter, add the mushrooms, thyme, shallot, the 'garlic, salt and pepper and cook for 5-7 minutes.
Heat oven to 220 degrees. Butter molds 6 creme caramel and place in a large pan.
In a large bowl, beat eggs, add cream and milk and beat well, pour the mixture into molds, where they are already 'introduced the cooked mushrooms.
Fill the pan with boiling water, until the liquid level in the molds, and bake for 25-30 minutes, until the edge of the compound and 'clotted, but the center and' still soft.
Remove the pan from the oven, remove the satmpini and let cool, cover them with polyethylene sheet and place in refrigerator.
To prepare the vinaigrette hazelnut
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
½ cup of hazelnut oil
salt big
coarsely ground pepper
Mix ingredients in a bowl and refrigerate
To prepare the dish, season the arugula with olive oil vinaigrette nutty.
Arrange the mushroom pies to the center of a serving dish and arrange around the dressed arugula.

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grilled goat cheese salad with peas, asparagus and green beans Source: Antony Worrall Thompson , BBC (UK)

Serves 2 people:
two goat cheeses of good consistency
2 tablespoons of olive 'oil
1 tablespoon hazelnut oil
4 slices of walnut bread
For the 'salad
a head of lettuce
2 onions, chopped
85 gr. of asparagus
85 gr. pea
85 gr. beans
1 tablespoon parsley leaves
1 tablespoon tarragon leaves
1 or 2 tablespoons grated Parmesan
2 tablespoons olive oil extra virgin olive
2 tablespoons hazelnut oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
Place goat cheese in a dish not much deep, and spray with olive 'oil, hazelnut oil, season with salt and pepper.
Mix in a large bowl the lettuce, onions, peas, asparagus, beans, parsley and Parmesan. Add the lemon juice, l 'el hazelnut oil' olive 'oil, salt to taste, stir and place the' salad served in two dishes.
Heat a plate, add the cheese (reserving the 'oilo used to season) and grill until lightly brown on both sides.
Soak the bread with nuts in 'advanced oil, and grill for 30-60 seconds on each side.
Remove the cheese and bread from the grill, and arrange on two plates of salad, serve immediately.

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Pasta with mushrooms and hazelnut oil Source: Cooking Monday to Friday Show (USA)

Serves 2 people:
two tablespoons of butter
500 gr. Mushroom
2 cloves' garlic
250 gr. purposes of linguini
2 tablespoons hazelnut oilo
½ cup chopped parsley
½ cup toasted hazelnuts
salt and pepper
Heat the butter in a saucepan, add the mushrooms and sear over high heat. Cover, add water and cook for about 5 minutes, until mushrooms are tender, remove the lid and drink the liquid. Add the 'garlic, salt and pepper and set aside. When the pasta 'cooked, put it in the pan with the mushrooms, the' hazelnut oil and parsley, and mescorae well. Serve with a sprinkle of crushed nuts.

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Citrus Vinaigrette with Hazelnut Oil Source: Deborah Madison - Prodigy Guest Chefs Cook Book (USA)

Serves 6:
the peel of an 'orange, grated
4 tablespoons juice 'fresh orange
4 tablespoons lemon juice
5 tablespoons of olive' oil
1 tablespoon hazelnut oil
1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon chopped chives
3 shallots, thinly sliced \u200b\u200b
1 tablespoon chopped fennel leaves
½ teaspoon of salt
¼ teaspoon fennel seeds, crushed in a mortar
Put the peel in a bowl of 'orange juice' s orange and lemon el 'vinegar or salt, shallots and fennel seeds. Mix 's hazelnut oil and that' s oil, then herbs. Season then a 'mixed salad.

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for 4 pax: (ingredients)

dough for dumplings: 1.5kg mountain potatoes, 2 fresh eggs blonde Piedmont, 350 grams of flour 00.30 g salt, some grated nutmeg and proceed as for a normal mix of dumplings

filling for dumplings: 200 ml fresh whole milk, 200 gr gr castelmagno.200 Castelmagno cheese. salt and cayenne pepper , heat the milk and cheese to incorporate the castelmagno Microplane (a special type of grating), correct for salt and pepper and cool in a large plate not too high from the edge

for onion fondue: 1 kg of onions 60 grams of extra virgin Taggiasco and 40 ml of fresh cream, bake at 130 degrees with the whole onions peel in the oven, let cool and blend to bimby (special type of Termomix) at speed 7 for 20 min, add oil and cream, season with salt.

to Serve: 30 g hazelnuts, 80 grams of black truffles monferrato, 40 g hazelnut oil Pariani, wisps of chervil, 50 g butter mountain.

spread the dough with rolling pin to half of the dumplings cm in height; draw from Fondue castelmagno of cold rolls and packaged gnocchi stuffed to do when you do the logs of plin.tagliare about 2.5 cm, one to curl up with one hand and passing them in line gnocchi

last step, you have to mirror the onion sauce and Arrange the gnocchi in browned butter bubbly, very crispy must risultare.distribuire the hazelnuts, add the black truffle lamelle.ultimare with hazelnut oil and tufts chervil and pepper mill

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Asparagus with hazelnut oil - Source: (USA)

Serves 4:
750 gr. asparagus for
2 tablespoons hazelnut oilo
the juice of a lemon
4 tablespoons toasted hazelnuts and frantumat
¼ cup grated Parmesan
Prepare asparagus by removing the most 'hard stem and wash them in cold water. Steam cook until it turns bright green and still slightly crispy, about 5 minutes.
Mix in 'hazelnut oil to sprinkle with lemon juice, salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with chopped hazelnuts and Parmesan cheese.
Nutritional data per serving:
Calories 181, Fat 14 grams., 12 grams carbohydrate., Cholesterol 5 mgr., Sodium 120 mgr., 8 g protein., 4 g fiber.,
Calories from fat: 70%, 27% Calories from Carbohydrates