Sunday, March 13, 2011

Pregnant Denise Milani


Friday, March 11, 2011

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E 'release the first book of the Training Workshop politics "Beppe Niccolai" entitled "The style of the militant" by Adriano Tilgher and Rodolfo Sideri. Free download (from this link ), the book was printed at a cost of € 5.00. For federations, associations, clubs, wishing to buy multiple copies, the cost is € 2.50 per book. For further information (Tel. 06.32650421 - 06.32507390).

Social Security Withholding Limit


Gioventù Italiana con La Destra appoggia l'iniziativa promossa da Giuseppe Lonero, consigliere comunale de La Destra, e dalle istituzioni (nonostante i vergognosi atteggiamenti tenuti dai consiglieri della Lega Nord) di esporre un tricolore su ogni balcone degli edifici pubblici e invita i cittadini a fare altrettanto nelle loro abitazioni per celebrare i 150 anni di unità d'Italia.
Questa iniziativa ribadisce l'amore della popolazione per il Tricolore e per la Patria, celebrando il simbolo delle radici profonde del Popolo Italiano (culturali, values, etc.) that are the same from Bolzano to Lampedusa.
Finally, noting that the initiative has already taken plenty of foot, we hope to see more and more tricolor on the balconies and the streets.
Long live Italy!

Monday, March 7, 2011

มกราคม 2010

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Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Italian youth with the right endorses and welcomes the statements by the bishop of Turin, Monsignor Caesar Nosiglia, who urged the world to open to young people working to create a joint effort for the future of young people and the whole of Italy.
The issue of youth and generational change in the world of work is a very sensitive issue in the Italian young people at risk of serious prejudice to spend their lives watching, especially when you have the worst future will find themselves competing with young people from developing countries such as Eastern European countries, China and India.
Only a few days ago, the data provided by Istat confirmed what young people remain marginalized from workplaces, youth unemployment remains at 29.4%, therefore it is essential to stress (both moral and financially) by the institutions (national and local) in enhancing the younger generation through areas such as culture (school and university) and work (business, trade, public administration and community work).

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Import Used Boats From Usa

The University Asti:

Its future in the town of Felixstowe
Barracks Hills
an Urban Campus
a University College
a School of Higher Studies

born in 1996, promotes university courses in the city.

Asti are two universities and four university faculties with a total of nine courses in seven university degrees and two top-level post-graduate schools

Students enrolled in university based in Asti are about eight hundred and attend are nearly six hundred

e-mail: ufficio.studenti @

HIGHER EDUCATION ASTI organizes and participates in cultural and scientific initiatives to supplement the academic activities.


I Cannot Stand On My Legs Suddenly


militants and the leadership of Turin united call for Italy's intervention in the ongoing civil war in Libya.
It is time for Italy to make efforts in humanitarian operations in this country become a victim of the personality and the insanity of a murderous dictator who is based only on vulgar potere del denaro.
Non si tratta di un intervento da delegare ai soliti Stati Uniti o Russia, bensì all'Italia che tanto ha fatto per lo sviluppo di quel Paese e che non deve oggi permetterne l'insana distruzione, per proteggere i proprio interessi economici e per un domani migliore per il popolo libico, ormai finalmente sotto il sole di una rivoluzione non guidata da presunti capi "popolari" ascesi con la mera forza della armi ma vera rivoluzione sociale per uscire dalla disperazione dell'assenza dei diritti più basilari e sacri.
La nostra presenza renderebbe possibile affrontare in loco il problema che in questo momento attanaglia i nostri confini: l'immigrazione clandestina causata da questa riot. As a stabilizer, our presence would also allow the peaceful transition to a post-Gaddafi, leading a better quality of life in Libya, to eradicate the root cause of immigration.
We are also horrified by hearing a pious bishop who elects to scrap of humanity which is the Libyan dictator, who began chasing unarmed citizens Italian Libyans only to conduct his blind hatred based anti-Italian and demanding that his people were also infected by this feeling foolish and not happy and he humbly continued blackmail in our house and during meetings with other powers.
In this being, so small as to be almost insignificant, physically, intellectually and morally, that does not know what honor, country or the people, but that puts everything in the alternative to his whims can not be allowed to dictate on a front as important as Middle East and energy resources. His whims are already cost the increase in oil, gas and refined products, as well as the Libyan population, and that now is treated as his toy because he does not like the more you feel entitled to break it or throw it at will .

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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Number 12 And Alabama


I dati delle ultime settimane parlano chiaro: a Torino 9 morti di overdose in soli 25 giorni(praticamente 1 ogni 2 giorni), le vittime sono tutte di età compresa tra i 20 e i 40 anni e legate al consumo di droghe come la cocaina e l'eroina. Dire che questi numeri sono allarmanti è dire poco.
Da questa situazione emerge l'inefficienza delle misure di prevenzione messe in atto dal Comune e dalla Prefettura di Torino in materia di sicurezza per contrastare lo spaccio di droga e dall'ASL locale per prevenirne il consumo, in particolare tra i giovani.
Noi di Gioventù Italiana con La Destra chiediamo the mayor and the prefect of resorting to more drastic measures that intesifichino checks by the police, especially in "hot spots" in the city (Falchera, Barrier of Milan, Porta Palazzo, San Salvario and Mirafiori), also ask prevention measures intensified by the activities of local ASL SerT studies and also to the administrator for more information for young people in schools, particularly middle and high schools.
The battle against drugs is fought for years by Joseph Lonergan (Municipal Council of La Destra), that the problems of drug dependence, as well as seek more investment from part of the community in prevention, the proposed Tso (mandatory medical treatment) for drug stranded, asking the mayor Sergio Chiamparino direct involvement in the initiative.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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In 150, between activists and managers of Italian Youth ", youth movement of" The Right "by Storace, met today in Piazza Mazzini in Bolzano reiterate the importance of the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof our beloved homeland "is the comment of Musetti. "Young people have marched through the streets of Bolzano to the Monument of Victory with a tricolor of 150 meters, colored red, white and green the streets. " From Tuscany to Campania, Veneto Abruzzo, the boys are Storace and vigilant in defense of our nation. "A 150 years Italian unification, so they killed many of our countrymen, we can not allow that again a small minority can arrogate the right to cancel our history." "W Italy, one and indivisible," concluded the Secretary. "
, said in a statement Gianni Musetti National Secretary of the Youth Italian "youth movement "La Destra".
The event was attended by numerous members of the section of Carmagnola, Turin and Cuneo federation of Italian youth with the right.

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The spirit dell'armadillo

A group of researchers describe the rest oldest known up to a kind of armadillo, the discovery was made in the material found 30 years ago during an expedition to Bolivia and deposited in the natural science museum in Paris.
The evolutionary history of the modern order of xenartri is still poorly understood, according to the analysis of the DNA of the modern species-specific subfamily of Tolypeutinae, which was attributed to the new fossil species, was separated from other families about 26 million years ago and to date the fossils known reached a maximum age of 12 to 14 million years.
call missing 15 million years of evolutionary history of gruppo, una sorta di linea fantasma che
collegava i rari fossili all´ultimo comune antenato degli armadilli rilevato dalla genetica. Questa mistero ha anche suggerito il nome per il nuovo genere e specie che con 26 milioni di anni raggiunge l´eta sostenuta dai dati genetici - Kuntinaru , che nel dialetto di Aymara, una lingua nativa delle Ande boliviani, significa " Spirito ".

Fig.1. I resti fossili di Kuntinaru boliviensis gen and sp. nov., ricoverati 30 anni fa ma riconosciuti importanti solo di recente.


BILLET, G.; HAUTIER, L.; Muizon, C. de & VALENTIN, X. (2011): Oldest cingulate skulls Provide congruence Between morphological and molecular evolution scenarios of armadillo. Proc R. Soc B published online 2 February 2011: doi: 10.1098/rspb.2010.2443

Friday, February 18, 2011

Cube Field Addicting Games


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Airwalk Pro Inline Skates


Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, the day pass costs 25 €. .... no good?
From December 9 to 23 - from 08 January to 13 February - 19 March at the end of the season.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Lavender Smell For Migraine?


areas on facebook

Friday, February 11, 2011

What To Wear With Leather Skirt


Last night a group of troublemakers, most likely affiliated with the centers, have become protagonists of a cowardly act of vandalism, damage to the gravestone carved in honor of the martyrs of sinkholes Course at Cincinnati and writing next to it "bastard, come back in the sewers."
Italian youth wishes to express full solidarity with the survivors and relatives of victims for the cowardly act committed by a group barbarians exalted.

We also intend to condemn all those who, today, still have the courage to deny a reality as that of the sinkholes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Six Million Dollar Man


been almost seventy years since, between 1943 and 1945, Marshal Tito, leader of the Yugoslav army, gave way to one of the most 'massive cleaning operation ethnic flavors that Italy and Europe.
In Friuli Venezia Giulia region of thousands of our countrymen were persecuted by the Slavic partisans and dumped, most often still alive one linked to the other men, women, elderly and children, guilty only of being Italian than in natural cavities characteristics of karst sinkholes calls.
A massacre, a real massacre perpetrated by hate communism and shamefully hidden for over half a century, the entire Italian political class.
very serious was the responsibility 'of Palmiro Togliatti and the then PCI. No one, before his death, get up 'a finger to try to prevent it. After that, nobody get up ' la voce per urlare e condannare al mondo quel genocidio orrendo e rendendo cosi’ un po’ di giustizia a quelle vittime innocenti.
La chiarezza e la verità sulle foibe venne sacrificata per i molti, troppi interessi internazionali che ruotavano nello scacchiere europeo.
Cosi’ sulla verita’ e su quelle urla provenienti dalle cavita’ carsiche calo’ un lungo silenzio che duro’ per quasi sessant’anni.
Fino a poco fa non c’era un solo rigo sui libri a documentare questo sterminio.
Anche se da poco la politica ha deciso di istituzionalizzare il “giorno del ricordo” to commemorate the people of this country swallowed alive by land and 350 thousand refugees Istria dalmatian, I think that for part of the political world and for a significant number of citizens, this story of Friuli Venezia Giulia is a massacre denied. A massacre have not yet entered fully into consciousness, and collective historical memory of the Italians.

There may have died of series A and series B of the dead, the dead must be respected and remembered, both right and left, whether they have been victims of reds, whites or blacks.

February 10, not to forget ...

Francesco Storace
National Secretary of "The Right"

Monday, February 7, 2011

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Despite the blockade of cars dells last week, established by the mayor of Turin Sergio Chiamparino, the data show that the city's air is still breathable enough to have exceeded the limit of 35 days annual air pollution set by the European Union resulting in fines.

We intend to seek clarification on the Italian youth traffic management by traffic police in Turin, in addition we consider counterproductive the decision by the mayor, to introduce the blocking cars and even to extend the Limited Traffic Zone in the city if he does not facilitate the use of environmentally friendly public transportation by citizens or are not extended the opening hours of public transport and useful as a quick subway.

whereas the blockade of the car and use public transport are functional to each other, we may further encourage the use of buses and trams that are extended opening hours underground in order to discourage people to move cars are often not environmentally friendly.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

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Membership 2010-2011

This year we are ready to begin the membership of Italian youth, the youth movement of the right hand. We are the youth who is on the healthy part of the values \u200b\u200band ideals, we are the youth most beautiful and dynamic.
If you think you are on our side, you are free to get your card 2010-2011. To communicate your membership you just comment this post or send an email to , we will noi a contattarti al più presto!

Vieni con noi, se sei come noi!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Syphilis Long And Short Term Effects

Jan Palach 01/19/1969 - 01/19/2011

Jan Palach
Martire d’Europa

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ways To Fold Decorative Bathroom Towels


Alla luce dei risultati del referendum dei lavoratori di Mirafiori sull'accordo tra FIAT e sindacati, si intende ribadire la propria chiara e netta opposizione, già manifestata nei mesi scorsi, nei confronti di questo accordo-diktat imposto agli operai dello stabilimento dall'amministratore delegato of Fiat, Sergio Marchionne.
However, given the situation of the Mirafiori plant, we can not deny that a victory for the "NO" to the agreement would lead to the closure of the plant with the serious consequences not only for the approximately 5,000 workers at Mirafiori but also for other industries FIAT and 20,000 employees throughout the city of Turin.
We will also stress that 3 / 4 of the text on the agreement is made up of levies, liens and restrictions on workers while only 1 / 4 of the text includes simple "promises" made by Marchionne to the workers and that is why we continue to argue that the only solution sia la nazionalizzazione (e la conseguente socializzazione) dell'azienda affinchè venga data agli operai la possibilità di partecipare alla gestione e agli utili.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Spyware Doctor Licence

No to drugs!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Marilyn Monroe Hemorrhoids

still growing youth unemployment

Secondo i dati diffusi dall'Istat, nell'anno appena trascorso, la disoccupazione giovanile è salita al 28,9%, similie alla percentuale del 2004.
Noi, militanti di Gioventù Italiana, chiediamo al governo delle riforme concrete contro le Parentopoli e le raccomandazioni del mondo del lavoro in modo da favorire l'inserimento young people in precarious employment and the fabric to avoid being forced to accept any work under any condition as long as it or worse yet to migrate out of our country.
We also call for a generational change is encouraged so that we be given the opportunity to be leaders of the future of our nation.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Why Does Alabama Have A 12 On Their Helmet?

We are already on facebook ... a bit'.... come and join ....


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

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Cesare Battisti must serve his sentence in Italy! Outside the ambassador

Tuesday, January 4 at 20 in Turin, the young de The Right protested against Brazil for the no extradition of murder and robbery in Italy Cesare Battisti. Only the name of this terrorist gives us a lump in my throat for the memory to which we were brought up that leads to much more heroic character of our country. The Baptists, the founder of terrorism in the years of "armed proletarian communism" has not been extradited from Lula's apparent affinity for communist ideology, because it would have been persecuted in Italy for four murders that he has accomplished and demonstrated for the double conviction to 'highly-life sentence imposed by our courts.

For once, it is the strong positive reaction of all political ideology to the decision of former President of Brazil, because in this emasculated Italy, the financial arrangements are likely to influence the justice and dignity National: Libya and Brazil just teach.
Alessandro Balocco
Piedmont Regional Secretary

Monday, January 3, 2011

Grumbling Appendix Symptoms

Brazilian Italy. Boycott the products of Brazil

Out of the Brazilian ambassador from Italy. Boycott products from Brazil.
No diplomacy with those who defend the terrorists.
Out Brazilian ambassador from Italy now. To ask and Gianni Musetti, National Secretary of Italian youth, the youth movement of the right hand of Storace.
We can not accept that a country that is part of the UN and international community be allowed to deny Italy to prosecute its own citizens. Brazil is an accomplice to the crimes committed by the hands of that terrorist and the Italian Government can not and must not have relations with those who defend it and protect it. The victims and the children of those still waiting for the Italian justice system that can deliver the cowardly nation's prisons, as it should be for years.
Out now Brazilian Ambassador Italian borders, this is what we ask the President and the executive of the Berlusconi government. We will now prepare a demonstration under the Brazilian Embassy and we will invite the Italians to boycott tutte le merci brasiliane vendute in Italia.