Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ways To Fold Decorative Bathroom Towels


Alla luce dei risultati del referendum dei lavoratori di Mirafiori sull'accordo tra FIAT e sindacati, si intende ribadire la propria chiara e netta opposizione, già manifestata nei mesi scorsi, nei confronti di questo accordo-diktat imposto agli operai dello stabilimento dall'amministratore delegato of Fiat, Sergio Marchionne.
However, given the situation of the Mirafiori plant, we can not deny that a victory for the "NO" to the agreement would lead to the closure of the plant with the serious consequences not only for the approximately 5,000 workers at Mirafiori but also for other industries FIAT and 20,000 employees throughout the city of Turin.
We will also stress that 3 / 4 of the text on the agreement is made up of levies, liens and restrictions on workers while only 1 / 4 of the text includes simple "promises" made by Marchionne to the workers and that is why we continue to argue that the only solution sia la nazionalizzazione (e la conseguente socializzazione) dell'azienda affinchè venga data agli operai la possibilità di partecipare alla gestione e agli utili.


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