Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Six Million Dollar Man


been almost seventy years since, between 1943 and 1945, Marshal Tito, leader of the Yugoslav army, gave way to one of the most 'massive cleaning operation ethnic flavors that Italy and Europe.
In Friuli Venezia Giulia region of thousands of our countrymen were persecuted by the Slavic partisans and dumped, most often still alive one linked to the other men, women, elderly and children, guilty only of being Italian than in natural cavities characteristics of karst sinkholes calls.
A massacre, a real massacre perpetrated by hate communism and shamefully hidden for over half a century, the entire Italian political class.
very serious was the responsibility 'of Palmiro Togliatti and the then PCI. No one, before his death, get up 'a finger to try to prevent it. After that, nobody get up ' la voce per urlare e condannare al mondo quel genocidio orrendo e rendendo cosi’ un po’ di giustizia a quelle vittime innocenti.
La chiarezza e la verità sulle foibe venne sacrificata per i molti, troppi interessi internazionali che ruotavano nello scacchiere europeo.
Cosi’ sulla verita’ e su quelle urla provenienti dalle cavita’ carsiche calo’ un lungo silenzio che duro’ per quasi sessant’anni.
Fino a poco fa non c’era un solo rigo sui libri a documentare questo sterminio.
Anche se da poco la politica ha deciso di istituzionalizzare il “giorno del ricordo” to commemorate the people of this country swallowed alive by land and 350 thousand refugees Istria dalmatian, I think that for part of the political world and for a significant number of citizens, this story of Friuli Venezia Giulia is a massacre denied. A massacre have not yet entered fully into consciousness, and collective historical memory of the Italians.

There may have died of series A and series B of the dead, the dead must be respected and remembered, both right and left, whether they have been victims of reds, whites or blacks.

February 10, not to forget ...

Francesco Storace
National Secretary of "The Right"


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