Friday, February 25, 2011

I Cannot Stand On My Legs Suddenly


militants and the leadership of Turin united call for Italy's intervention in the ongoing civil war in Libya.
It is time for Italy to make efforts in humanitarian operations in this country become a victim of the personality and the insanity of a murderous dictator who is based only on vulgar potere del denaro.
Non si tratta di un intervento da delegare ai soliti Stati Uniti o Russia, bensì all'Italia che tanto ha fatto per lo sviluppo di quel Paese e che non deve oggi permetterne l'insana distruzione, per proteggere i proprio interessi economici e per un domani migliore per il popolo libico, ormai finalmente sotto il sole di una rivoluzione non guidata da presunti capi "popolari" ascesi con la mera forza della armi ma vera rivoluzione sociale per uscire dalla disperazione dell'assenza dei diritti più basilari e sacri.
La nostra presenza renderebbe possibile affrontare in loco il problema che in questo momento attanaglia i nostri confini: l'immigrazione clandestina causata da questa riot. As a stabilizer, our presence would also allow the peaceful transition to a post-Gaddafi, leading a better quality of life in Libya, to eradicate the root cause of immigration.
We are also horrified by hearing a pious bishop who elects to scrap of humanity which is the Libyan dictator, who began chasing unarmed citizens Italian Libyans only to conduct his blind hatred based anti-Italian and demanding that his people were also infected by this feeling foolish and not happy and he humbly continued blackmail in our house and during meetings with other powers.
In this being, so small as to be almost insignificant, physically, intellectually and morally, that does not know what honor, country or the people, but that puts everything in the alternative to his whims can not be allowed to dictate on a front as important as Middle East and energy resources. His whims are already cost the increase in oil, gas and refined products, as well as the Libyan population, and that now is treated as his toy because he does not like the more you feel entitled to break it or throw it at will .


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