Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Trevor-d Custom Jewellery

Platearostrum hoekman - a new unusual dolphin Pliocene

Dai sedimenti del Pliocene-Pleistocene affioranti in bottom of the North Sea was announced the discovery of a new species of the dolphin family (was attr ibuita prior to Globicephalinae) Platalearostrum hoekman characterized by a beak-shaped blade (hence the name) , whose description was published by researchers and Erwin Klaas Post Kompanje Museum of Natural History in Rotterdam rev Deinsea ista.
The partial remains of the skull (mostly the upper left jaw) were recovered from the seabed in November 2008 thanks to goals from vessels used for bottom fishing.

Fig.1. Olotipto di Platearostrum hoekmani da POST & KOMPANJE 2010.

La conformazione inusuale della parte anteriore del rostro, ampia e curvata in su, formando una sorta di spatola, e la superficie ruvida dell’ osso, adatta ad attaccare tessuto muscolare, fa ipotizzare che l’ osso sosteneva una grande massa di tessuto.
erni delfi ni possiedono una struttura in tessuto di grasso e fibroso nel muso, parte del loro sistema di ecolocalizzazione, usato come lente acustica per focalizzare i loro ultrasuoni, la ricostruzione current Platalearostrum assumed according to the shape of the skeletal remains of a melon partic Olare developed, which extended over the sides of the jaws form a snout very inflated.

Fig.2. Rebuilding Platearostrum hoekman by Remie Bakker published in POST & KOMPANJE 2010.


POST, K. & KOMPANJE, EJO (2010): A new dolphin (Cetacea, Delphinidae) from the Plio-Pleistocene of the North Sea Deinsea 14:1-14


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