Friday, November 19, 2010

Polaroid One Step Instant Camera Films

papered the city with posters anti-Fini

the night of Thursday, November 18 Italian youth, the youth movement of the right hand of Storace, has tappezzattola city of Turin with hundreds of leaflets on the ironic figure of the President of the Chamber Gianfranco Fini. This action that others will follow has been done to welcome the President Fini in Turin tomorrow will be in the regional capital to present his motion.

As can be seen from the poster we propose the candidacy of a Democratic Party leader Fini, what might appear as a provocation rather ironic is the discovery of a bitter truth. Freedom and future claims to be a modern right-wing party, but what are we talking about? Can not be considered a right-wing party that has as its leader a man who claims that anti-fascism is a value in nomr when it killed so many young people were right. Values \u200b\u200bcan not be destra il voler dare la cittadinanza rapida e il diritto di voto agli stranieri, non può essere di destra chi nega la sacralità della vita e mistifica la Famiglia proponendo pacs e tutte quelle unioni che vanno a minare l'ordine naturale delle cose.
I valori su cui si fonda FLI sono improntati alla tradizione laica e liberaldemocratica, il che li pone al di fuori dell'alveo naturale della destra che solo il movimento politico di Francesco Storace rappresenta oggi in Italia.


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