Friday, May 28, 2010

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Sir Charles Lyell (1797 - 1875) The Monster of

"The greatest merit of the Principles was that it altered the whole tone of one's Mind, and That Therefore, When seeing a thing never seen by Lyell, one yet saw it through His eyes. "
C. Darwin

Fig.1. " Principles of Geology, 1st edition, 1st vol. Jan. 1830

The profound changes during the mid-19. century in paleontology and the advent of evolutionary theory can not be understood unless considering changes in geology promoted by a naturalist who is considered one of the fathers of geology: Charles Lyell.

Sir Charles Lyell (1797 - 1875) he enrolled at the University of Oxford at the age of 19 years. First study mathematics, classical arts and law (he graduated in law), but after he attended a lecture William Buckland was born his interest in geology. After beginning as a lawyer, in 1827 his interest in the natural sciences and geology led him to travel far and wide across the continent.

In the period 1830 to 1833 published the results of his studies in the incumbent " Principles of Geology," in which he applied and developed his version of the theory of "news", conceived in principle by James Hutton, and opposed to catastrophism in that period, especially developed by the naturalist Georges Cuvier . not catastrophic and rapid changes sculpted the land, but the slow processes of erosion and deposition, also seen in modern times (hence the name "Current"), even if they need thousands if not millions of years. Nell'Uniformitarismo Lyell the forces of nature are the same as in the past, present, and future . Lyell thus rebelled against the established geological theories of his time. In the third edition of his "Principles " deals with palaeontology and stratigraphy, it is also the natural history of man. Lyell say that the age the earth and with it the human race was much older than previously thought.

It was a copy of Lyell's book, given to Darwin by Captain Fitzroy, Charles to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe depths of time (and new interest in geology, that after the first course conducted at the University considered a boring science) that the earth is the life had gone through a period of time for the slow evolution of organisms as many years later postulerĂ² Darwin.

become friends Lyell and Darwin, and after the presentation of Darwin's theory of transmutation, Lyell, after the initial skepticism (Which, however, lasted for more than 25 years) will be one of the most important supporters.


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