Monday, May 31, 2010

Female Genital Piercings

DARWIN - like you've never seen

"Nel 1835, Charles Darwin embarks on the Galapagos Islands to discover the truth. But the truth can not be achieved without a fight ... "

" Darwin "Darwin's life * in the Hollywood blockbuster version: a film full of action, violence and bad jokes, the show" Spoof "of Dana Carvey & Spike Feresten:

* by the way, Darwin was just 27 when he returned home on the Beagle, but it seems that the image of Darwin is now senior entered the pop culture.

Printable Welcome Letter For Church New Member

Australian Rock Art: dated in 40,000 years?

archaeologists announced in the discovery last days (two years ago) of what could be the oldest examples of rock art of Australia. The design in red ocher, located in the interior of Arnhem Land, apparently shows two large flightless birds.

Fig.1. Benn Gunn picture, taken from 2010 MASTERS.

According to a design was inspired by the kind Genyornis, which includes giant birds that according to the fossil record (including egg shells) became extinct between 43,000 and 40,000 years ago.

Archaeologist Benn Gunn quotes a paleontologist, who was still anonymous at the time, that the character design are related giant bird, and who has realized the design was to have a living model. In the area are already known examples show that the prehistoric fauna of Australia, including animals determined as the thylacine, but also of questionable attribution as the marsupial lion, the giant echidna or the giant kangaroo.
The drawings can not be dated directly, since it does not consist of organic matter, so does the interpretation Animal shown is correct, there are two possible interpretations: the drawings date back at least 40,000 years ago, before the extinction of Genyornis , or drawings are more recent, is the kind unlike previously thought was extinct in less time recent.

This interpretation, however, is to consider very carefully the identification of animal paintings is very speculative, and if ever representations should be a real flora, fauna is not a religious or fantastic characters, the birds in question may have been inspired also by flightless birds, and smaller still Life In Australia, such as the common Emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae ).

It is also interesting to note that animals show a pattern of stripes. This may represent either natural design of birds, or, as seems to be a common feature in the drawings of aborigines, perhaps a religious symbol, denying the various reconstructions facts about these special marsupials extinct marsupial lion like for example.


MASTERS, E. : Cave painting megafauna Could Be 40.000 years old. ABC News. Online 31. May 2010. Accessed 31/05/2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Wind Generator Stator

Darwin and the theory of punctuated equilibrium

Charles Darwin in his most famous work, surprisingly, almost no mention of the fossil that he picked up in South America , apart from brief references in 'Introduction.

"WHEN on board HMS 'Beagle,' as naturalist, I was much struck with Certain facts in the distribution of the Inhabitants of South America, and in the geological relations of the present to the past Inhabitants of That continent. These Seemed to me facts to throw Some light on the origin of species-that mystery of mysteries, as it Has Been Called by one of Our greatest philosophers. "

Fig.1. Il fossile che Darwin attribuisce a un piccolo mammifero roditore, dalla formazione di Monte Hermoso nell´Argentina (Pliocene inferiore), da DARWIN 1840, Fossil Mammalia Pl. XXXII.

Al contrario un intero capitolo di " Origin of Species " è dedicato alle lacune del record geologico è l'apparente mancanza di fossili di transizione. Questa discrepanza era nota già a Lamarck, che aveva postulato (e formulato una teoria) che le specie non sono fisse, è i limiti discreti tra di loro sono il risultato di una preservazione incompleta di forme di transizioni durante l'atto di fossilizzazione. Questa idea verra adoperata anche da Darwin (" Chapter IX, on the imperfection of the geological record ").
A meta del 19. secolo era chiaro che specie si potevano estinguere, ma rimase il problema di come queste estinzioni avvengono e come dopo una di queste fasi il pianeta veniva ripopolato. Anche Darwin durante il suo viaggio sul Beagle, ancora prima della formulazione della sua teoria di trasmutazione, si chiedeva se delle specie possono morire e in che modo vengono rinate (escludendo una creazione divina), un'idea che era stata anche ipotizzata dal geologo italiano Giovanni Battista Brocchi nel 1814 (dimostrando ancora una volta il profondo cambio di pensiero in quei decenni).
Osservando fossili simili all'odierna Mara ( Dolichotis patagonum ), A South American rodent that resembles a small deer, Darwin thought that species were replaced in time by similar forms together (Owen will determine the fossils belonging to a relative of today 's tuco-tuco tucutucu or small rodent of the genus Ctenomys ). However, these forms remains

concrete entities in space and time, for example at Warri, the fox endemic and extinct Darwin could still look on the Falkland Islands, wrote in 1834 "... indisputable proof of the ITS individuality as a species ..." .
Darwin start working on his theory after his return home, and in a first attempt to try to reconcile his view of the species as concrete entities with a possible jump through transmutation of species specific, ie, a species could give "birth" to a new species within a short time.

Continued ...

Fig.2. The three possible relationships of fossil forms of a certain horizon and recently elaborated by Darwin between 1832 and 1835. In case A, the giant sloth / armadillo giant extinct and are replaced by the recent species. The species does not have a direct connection between them. In molluscs (case C), Darwin observed a continuum of species that persist through geological time. The case is B an intermediate version of the first two, the fossil remains of the peculiar South American rodents are relatively modern with rodent species, which occur over geological time (ELDREGE 2008).


DARWIN, CR (1859): On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. London: John Murray. [1st edition]
Darwin, CR ed. (1840): Fossil Mammalia Part 1 No. 4 of The zoology of the voyage of HMS Beagle. By Richard Owen. Edited and superintended by Charles Darwin. London: Smith Elder and Co.
Eldredge, N. (2009): A Question of Individuality : Charles Darwin, George Gaylord Simpson and Transitional Fossils. Evo. Edu. Outreach 2(1): 150-155
ELDREDGE, N. (2008): Experimenting with Transmutation: Darwin, the Beagle, and Evolution. Evo. Edu. Outreach 2(1): 35-54
QUATTROCCHIO, M.E.; DESCHAMPS, C.M.; ZAVALA, C.A.; GRILL, S.C. & BORROMEI, A.M. (2009): G eology of the area of Bahia Blanca, Darwin´s view and the present knowledge: a storay of 10 million years. Revista de la Asociacion Geologica Argentina 64(1): 137-146

Friday, May 28, 2010

Pediatrician Cover Letter

Sir Charles Lyell (1797 - 1875) The Monster of

"The greatest merit of the Principles was that it altered the whole tone of one's Mind, and That Therefore, When seeing a thing never seen by Lyell, one yet saw it through His eyes. "
C. Darwin

Fig.1. " Principles of Geology, 1st edition, 1st vol. Jan. 1830

The profound changes during the mid-19. century in paleontology and the advent of evolutionary theory can not be understood unless considering changes in geology promoted by a naturalist who is considered one of the fathers of geology: Charles Lyell.

Sir Charles Lyell (1797 - 1875) he enrolled at the University of Oxford at the age of 19 years. First study mathematics, classical arts and law (he graduated in law), but after he attended a lecture William Buckland was born his interest in geology. After beginning as a lawyer, in 1827 his interest in the natural sciences and geology led him to travel far and wide across the continent.

In the period 1830 to 1833 published the results of his studies in the incumbent " Principles of Geology," in which he applied and developed his version of the theory of "news", conceived in principle by James Hutton, and opposed to catastrophism in that period, especially developed by the naturalist Georges Cuvier . not catastrophic and rapid changes sculpted the land, but the slow processes of erosion and deposition, also seen in modern times (hence the name "Current"), even if they need thousands if not millions of years. Nell'Uniformitarismo Lyell the forces of nature are the same as in the past, present, and future . Lyell thus rebelled against the established geological theories of his time. In the third edition of his "Principles " deals with palaeontology and stratigraphy, it is also the natural history of man. Lyell say that the age the earth and with it the human race was much older than previously thought.

It was a copy of Lyell's book, given to Darwin by Captain Fitzroy, Charles to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe depths of time (and new interest in geology, that after the first course conducted at the University considered a boring science) that the earth is the life had gone through a period of time for the slow evolution of organisms as many years later postulerò Darwin.

become friends Lyell and Darwin, and after the presentation of Darwin's theory of transmutation, Lyell, after the initial skepticism (Which, however, lasted for more than 25 years) will be one of the most important supporters.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Castles From 1100-1200


The year 2008 was the "Monster of Montauk " in 2010 after the "Yeti Eastern " Kitchenuhmaykoosib here is the monster that comes to us via the Internet from Canada (Ontario )

Fig.1. The "monster" in all its splendor .

According to witnesses, two girls, the corpse was discovered on the shore of a lake by their dog. They had time to make some photographs, after which they return to the city to alert the authorities. Returning to the place of discovery, the carcass was gone.

Fig.2. The monster, of course, the carcass is gone, and biologists are not able to determine it (apart from that definitely were not informed of the matter), to identify the bets are open ...

PS is not so difficult to determine the animal ...
and Darren Naish explains why .

Meanwhile, this crap is spreading the network without the slightest hint of skepticism or desire to understand what it really is.

The way the news is handled is a shame, but perhaps even more surprising is the apparent lack of the most minimal knowledge of the shape and anatomy (. .. an almost human face ... !) of mammals common in the press and the public.

Milena Velba Cd Store

Methane blamed for the extinction of late Pleistocene

There are many hypotheses that attempt to explain the extinction of the megafauna in the late Pleistocene ( here, here and here ). Now a team of researchers at the University New Mexico in Albuquerque adds a different approach to the problem of climate change observed in early Holocene and that is recognized as the most likely factor to cause extinction.
SMITH et al. published the results of a search, in which they compared and modeled the production of methane by farm animals with modern extinct herbivores. Methane is a greenhouse gas known as very effective.

The research team compared the values \u200b\u200bobtained from observations in the geologic record of strong variations in the concentration of methane between the last glacial maximum, 18,000 years ago, and the Younger Dryas (13,000 years ago). Especially at the beginning of this period con notevole abbassamento delle temperature si osserva anche una diminuzione della concentrazione del metano.
Il gruppo di ricerca ipotizza che con l´inizio dell'estinzione dei grandi erbivori una fonte importante di metano è stata rimossa dal sistema climatico, destabilizzando come conseguenza ulteriormente il clima e l´ambiente, e aumentando il tasso di estinzione.

Il cambiamento osservato secondo la ricerca é avvenuto molto più veloce rispetto a variazioni precedenti. Forse questa differenza é legata a delle attività umane, smentendo ricerche precedenti che escludevano un significante contributo dell´uomo per l'estinzione di fine Pleistocene.


SMITH, FA, ELLIOTT, MS. & YONS, K. (2010): Methane Emissions from extinct megafauna. Nature Geoscience. Published online: 23. May 2010: doi: 10.1038/ngeo877

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Trang Web Nay Coi Cung Hay, Vao Coi Thu Di

The story told by human and baboon lice

Fig.1. Nubians as tribute bring a giraffe, on whose neck a monkey climbs, the Tomb of Rekhmira, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna; XVIII dynasty (1550-1070 BC).

Research on mammalian hair and new technologies lead to surprising results. For example, what hits the town with lice the question when he uses clothes, or what we can say of baboons on the mythical land of Punt?

A survey by the group of Andrew Kitchen, University of Pennsylvania ruled that the last common ancestor of the scalp of head lice (Pediculus humanus humanus ) and body (Pediculus humanus corporis ) dates back to 190,000 years ago.
While the former is at ease in the areas covered by natural human hair, the second variety can live tissue composed of animal fibers - garments worn by men. According to Kitchen this difference sheds light on the use by man of clothes. The two subspecies of lice were differentiated with the advent of the two different habitats, that is, when man began to cover her naked body with clothing.

In a second study through analysis done on hairs of mummified baboons (genus Papio ), University of California researchers hope to clarify an ancient archaeological mystery: Where was the legendary land of Punt, which the Pharaohs of Egypt procured their wealth in gold?
The extension of the kingdom is not clear, possible areas include modern states of Yemen, Ethiopia, Eritrea or Somalia. From papyrus and merchant listings which have been preserved until we know that Egypt imported from Punt gold and silver, but also luxury goods from exotic animals.
The two specimens which are now being investigated date back to 3,000 years ago, but were probably not native to the Nile valley, but were in fact brought about by sea travel to Egypt as a royal gift or tribute to Punt.
The research will seek to determine the isotopic composition of hair (especially oxygen) baboon, this varies with the food is mostly water with the animal receives. Given that in turn depends on the composition of local geological factors, if you can determine the composition of the water drunk by the baboons you can compare the data with data from water of different geological regions of Africa, and perhaps to clarify where the animals lived in the beginning.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Why A 12 Onthe Alabama Helmet

The mammal and his hair

A key feature of all mammal species are the presence of hairs on the epidermis, which act as an insulating layer and play an important role in maintaining body temperature. The structure of the hair may be of taxonomic importance, in fact, many identifications in the field and forensic studies are based on the recovery and determination of tufts of hair torn from the animal. Thanks to these studies, for example it was possible to identify the skins used by "Iceman" as garments, including goat and deer. The distinctive characteristics of mammals have hair.

- The external structure of the hair: the shape and arrangement of the axis of the hair cuticular scales.
- The edge of the individual scales.
- The size and spacing of the edges of individual chips compared to the whole hair.

- The cross-sectional and longitudinal the hair and the shape of the central cavity (medulla)

Fig.1. features to describe the hair of mammals (from Backwell et al. 2009).
- provision to the axis of the strands of hair
- form of individual chips
- form the edges of individual chips
- distance of the edges of individual chips ("magnitude scales")

Figure 2. examples of fine structures observed by electron microscopy. a, b) vervet ( Chlorocebus sp.) , c) galago (Galago sp. ), d) human (Homo sapiens ), taken from Backwell et al. 2009.

With the advent of genetic techniques, if found in a hair follicle is still intact can also be made by identifying the DNA of cells.

Although Ceratina, they are made of mammalian hair is strong enough to weather the weather, remains or imprints of hair of mammals are quite rare in the geological record. During the fossilization must present special conditions (eg anoxic environment or dry), and scavengers who love Ceratina as a snack (eg beetles dermistidi) should not have access to the exhibit.

From Chinese Paleocene (ca. 59 to 56 million of years) are known fossil imprints of hair, kept in the faeces of carnivorous mammals and birds of prey. The preservation is so perfect that it was possible to observe the individual scales of the hair and give the remains at least four species, possibly including a representative of the genus Lambdopsalis a Multitubercolato relatively large for its time. The discovery confirms that these ancestors of modern mammals possessed an insulating layer made of hair.
from China is also the oldest placental mammal with a lot of hair: Eomaia scansoria . The fossil was found in the Yixian Formation (Liaoning Province), dated to the Cretaceous (125 million years). The complete skeleton preserved in anatomical connection, and is surrounded by the outline of the thick fur.

hairs are known in amber of the Miocene of the Dominican Republic and the Baltic Sea, and from the Cretaceous of France has been described the oldest example so far known. in the permafrost of Siberia and Canada have been preserved intact the nap of mammoths and other animals of the Pleistocene.
The oldest evidence of human hair known until the last year the remains were found on a mummy of the people of Chincorro (Northern Chile), dated to 9,000 years, but a hyena coprolite of more than 200,000 years old was described quello che viene interpretato come l’ impronta di peli delle prime specie di Homo .


BACKWELL, L.; PICKERING, R.; BROTHWELL, D.; BERGER, L.; WITCOMB, M.; MARTILL, D.; PENKMAN, K. & WILSON, A. (2009): P robable human hair found in a fossil hyaena coprolite from Gladysvale cave, South Africa. Journal of ARcheological Science 36: 1269-1276
JI, Q.; LUO, Z.-X.; YUAN, C.X.; WIBLE, J.R.; ZHANG, J.-P. & GEORGI, J.A. (2002): The earliest known eutherian mammal. Nature (416): 816-822
MENG, J. & WYSS, A.R. (1997): Multituberculate and other mammal hair recovered from Palaeogene excreta. Nature 385(6618): 712-714