Membership 2010-2011
This year we are ready to begin the membership of Italian youth, the youth movement of the right hand. We are the youth who is on the healthy part of the values \u200b\u200band ideals, we are the youth most beautiful and dynamic.
If you think you are on our side, you are free to get your card 2010-2011. To communicate your membership you just comment this post or send an email to , we will noi a contattarti al più presto!
Vieni con noi, se sei come noi!
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Ways To Fold Decorative Bathroom Towels
Alla luce dei risultati del referendum dei lavoratori di Mirafiori sull'accordo tra FIAT e sindacati, si intende ribadire la propria chiara e netta opposizione, già manifestata nei mesi scorsi, nei confronti di questo accordo-diktat imposto agli operai dello stabilimento dall'amministratore delegato of Fiat, Sergio Marchionne.
However, given the situation of the Mirafiori plant, we can not deny that a victory for the "NO" to the agreement would lead to the closure of the plant with the serious consequences not only for the approximately 5,000 workers at Mirafiori but also for other industries FIAT and 20,000 employees throughout the city of Turin.
We will also stress that 3 / 4 of the text on the agreement is made up of levies, liens and restrictions on workers while only 1 / 4 of the text includes simple "promises" made by Marchionne to the workers and that is why we continue to argue that the only solution sia la nazionalizzazione (e la conseguente socializzazione) dell'azienda affinchè venga data agli operai la possibilità di partecipare alla gestione e agli utili.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Marilyn Monroe Hemorrhoids
still growing youth unemployment
Secondo i dati diffusi dall'Istat, nell'anno appena trascorso, la disoccupazione giovanile è salita al 28,9%, similie alla percentuale del 2004.
Noi, militanti di Gioventù Italiana, chiediamo al governo delle riforme concrete contro le Parentopoli e le raccomandazioni del mondo del lavoro in modo da favorire l'inserimento young people in precarious employment and the fabric to avoid being forced to accept any work under any condition as long as it or worse yet to migrate out of our country.
We also call for a generational change is encouraged so that we be given the opportunity to be leaders of the future of our nation.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Why Does Alabama Have A 12 On Their Helmet?
We are already on facebook ... a bit'.... come and join ....
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Diabetes Test Pharmacy A Question On Diabetes...?
Cesare Battisti must serve his sentence in Italy! Outside the ambassador
Tuesday, January 4 at 20 in Turin, the young de The Right protested against Brazil for the no extradition of murder and robbery in Italy Cesare Battisti. Only the name of this terrorist gives us a lump in my throat for the memory to which we were brought up that leads to much more heroic character of our country. The Baptists, the founder of terrorism in the years of "armed proletarian communism" has not been extradited from Lula's apparent affinity for communist ideology, because it would have been persecuted in Italy for four murders that he has accomplished and demonstrated for the double conviction to 'highly-life sentence imposed by our courts.
For once, it is the strong positive reaction of all political ideology to the decision of former President of Brazil, because in this emasculated Italy, the financial arrangements are likely to influence the justice and dignity National: Libya and Brazil just teach.
Alessandro Balocco
Piedmont Regional Secretary
Tuesday, January 4 at 20 in Turin, the young de The Right protested against Brazil for the no extradition of murder and robbery in Italy Cesare Battisti. Only the name of this terrorist gives us a lump in my throat for the memory to which we were brought up that leads to much more heroic character of our country. The Baptists, the founder of terrorism in the years of "armed proletarian communism" has not been extradited from Lula's apparent affinity for communist ideology, because it would have been persecuted in Italy for four murders that he has accomplished and demonstrated for the double conviction to 'highly-life sentence imposed by our courts.
For once, it is the strong positive reaction of all political ideology to the decision of former President of Brazil, because in this emasculated Italy, the financial arrangements are likely to influence the justice and dignity National: Libya and Brazil just teach.
Alessandro Balocco
Piedmont Regional Secretary
Monday, January 3, 2011
Grumbling Appendix Symptoms
Brazilian Italy. Boycott the products of Brazil
Out of the Brazilian ambassador from Italy. Boycott products from Brazil.
No diplomacy with those who defend the terrorists.
Out Brazilian ambassador from Italy now. To ask and Gianni Musetti, National Secretary of Italian youth, the youth movement of the right hand of Storace.
We can not accept that a country that is part of the UN and international community be allowed to deny Italy to prosecute its own citizens. Brazil is an accomplice to the crimes committed by the hands of that terrorist and the Italian Government can not and must not have relations with those who defend it and protect it. The victims and the children of those still waiting for the Italian justice system that can deliver the cowardly nation's prisons, as it should be for years.
Out now Brazilian Ambassador Italian borders, this is what we ask the President and the executive of the Berlusconi government. We will now prepare a demonstration under the Brazilian Embassy and we will invite the Italians to boycott tutte le merci brasiliane vendute in Italia.
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