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footsteps dell'Ichnologia Italian

L´Ichnologia é considerata una branca delle scienze della terra relativamente giovane, anche se, come i fossili "comuni", impronte fossili erano notate già nell'antichità, é hanno trovato spesso espressione nei miti e nelle leggende dei popoli.

Ma solo nel 19° fingerprints are subject dell'ichnologia century - the science of fingerprints of life of animals and plants - with the first research conducted by the Reverend Buckland, with the description of Chirotherium - the animal out of the hands - in Europe and Triassic sediments with the recognition that strange sedimentary structures, regarded as the remains of plants, representing the footprints of the movement of invertebrate animals.

Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments of the Italian peninsula played an important role in advancing this discipline. The marl Fucoid are named because of the abundance of this icnogenere, whose icnospecie Fucoides (= Chondrites ) Targioni was described in 1823 by French geologist Adolphe Brongniart on the basis of Italian material.

Fig.1. Fucoides , Bottaccione Gorge, Gubbio.

The term is often found in publications or leaders of the Italian geology - is, in fact, a structure is very common in sedimentary formations of the Apennines, although in those days it was thought that it was a vegetable the rest, and not footprint of excavation by an animal organism. The great English geologists
Murchinson both Lyell and visited Italy for study the outcrops of these rocks and their icnofossili.

In 1855 the naturalist named Abraham Massolongo formally icnogenere Z oophycos , described a little earlier by Antonio Villa (1844), and in 1850 Giuseppe Meneghini describes Paleodictyon to Stay with Paolo Savi In the same year describes Nemertilites (= scolex), all icnogeneri popular is of great importance for the paleo environmental reconstruction of the geological formation.

Fig.2. Zoophycos the Capo Rossello, Sicily.

But already in the 16th century, almost 300 years ago, some naturalists have studied the Italian Renaissance is icnofossili speculated about their origins. Among these the universal genius of Leonardo da Vinci, who based on recent observations of animals discover amazing things for his time on the fossils. It is known that Leonardo
rejects the myth that the shells (his " nichi," as described) in sediments as evidence of Noah's flood, and acknowledges that in the process of formation of these "features" in the sediments has take a long time: a first idea of \u200b\u200bthe process of fossilization.
Writes about the Code "Leicester"

"Like all sea mud still consider them of" niche "and is petrified Nicchio together with mud."

Less well known is that Leonardo was also interested in tracks imprinted in the forms of bio-erosion and sediment dens "carved out" to peers as a worm in the wood, the shells. Based on recent observations of shells and marine life in Littoriali, Leonardo recognizes that individuals are layers of sediments deposited in ancient seabed:

"As in the groundwater, below are still one and the other developments over the Lombrici , who were walking below when they were not yet dry. "

Sui buchi di gusci fossili scrive:

"Ancora resta il vestigio del suo andamento sopra la scorza che lui già, a uso di tarlo sopra il legname, andò consumando."

e ancora

"Vedesi in nelle montagne di Parma e Piacentia le moltitudini di nichi e coralli intarlati".

Leonardo uso un approccio molto moderno: l' attualismo - paragono i vecchi segni con tracce di moderni animali, é giustamente riconosce la loro "parentela".
Ma Leonardo comunque, come é noto, non sostenne mai i suoi risultati pubblicamente, e il suo sapere andò perso per le prossime generazioni.

Erano comunque tempi pericolosi, il naturalista Ulisse Aldridge, who lived shortly after Leonardo, for the last years of his life in house arrest, accused of heresy.
In his most important work, the " Musaeum Metallicum " (1648) describes and represents hundreds of fossils, minerals and trace fossils, like a mythological monsters and oddities - although prone to personal observation, as indeed combines Aldrovandi most of the naturalists of that time, the scientific approach of Galileo to the theoretical and philosophical approach of the classical Greek thinkers dell''era.

The knowledge that fossils are the remains and animal prints will be accepted universally only half of the 18th century, although the idea remains who are the witnesses of the great flood ...

Fig.3. Not only invertebrates - fingerprint tridactyl Gargano.


BAUCON, A. (2008): Italy, the Cradle of Ichnology: The Legacy of Leonardo and Aldridge. Studies. Trent. Sci, Nat., Acta Geol 83: 15-29


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