Saturday, July 31, 2010

Tingling In Left Breast

New species of "giant rat" described Indonesia

Ricercatori australiani hanno pubblicato l´immagine dei resti di una nuova specie di roditore fossile attribuita al genere Coryphomys , comparabile dalla morfologia con l´odierno genere Rattus, ma notevolmente piú grande con un peso stimato di 6 chilogrammi.
I resti fossili, che comprendono in complessivo 11 nuove specie di roditori, provengono da scavi archeologici in sedimenti di caverne datati dai 1.000 ai 2.000 anni dell´isola di Timor .
L´eta molto recente di questi fossili nutre un cauto ottimismo: Secondo i ricercatori é possibile che alcune di queste specie, conosciute al momento solo allo stato fossil fuels, is proving to be still living in the rainforest that covers more than 15% of the island.

Fig.1. Comparison of the fossil remains of Coryphomys with a skull of the common rat (Rattus rattus ) , ventral view, image AFP / CSIRO / Ken Aplin.

Representatives of Murinae (the group that includes mice and rats) are the largest living things are generally attributed to Mallomys , endemic in Indonesia and that in some species can reach a weight of 2 kg.


APLIN et al. (2010): Quaternary Murid Rodents of Timor Part I: New Material of Coryphomys buehleri Schaub, 1937, and Description of a Second Species of the Genus. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History: 3411 DOI: 10.1206/692.1

Video con esemplare di Mallomys :

Friday, July 30, 2010

Grown Men And Wet Dreams

Adopt a Dimetrodon!

Secondo un sondaggio condotto dalla rivista “nature” nel 2009 una percentuale di 63% degli giornalisti hanno usato dei blogs as sources or ideas for their science news ( Brumfield 2009).
This could be a positive development considering the growing number of excellent scientific blog (mostly British), but of course in the country of persimmons in choosing a scientific way "alternative."

10 days ago I reported a post on a typical Blog crap, already at the limit of tolerable if in paleontological field, but gross errors which I think we should be traced back to the original source, and not surprisingly it 's the ANSA. difficult to think that "quality" of such a source could be "sor (ct) increased, but unfortunately the ever watchful Leonardo A. signals a new pearl of journalism "scientific" produced by the "Corriere della Sera."
Not much to add to the commentary and analysis of Leonardo, I wanted to laugh to keep from crying - this "work" of an official newspaper (!) Is even more in poorer the blog post private (and I assume that 's ANSA) above.

text apart from the scientific and grammatical errors is partly childish disconcerting: r ettili with large wings like an elephant (sorry, I do not have the speed to reach an elephant for comparison) and that "scream and leap into the air ?
And if there was still a distant hope that the author has at least one question and that you understand before you go, here follows this sentence, in its contradiction is a paradox of cosmic entity:

" The Pelycosaurs, dinosaurs have a huge sail back (like the one dimetrodonte) ... "

What irony of fate (?), to use these terms and for the image (see the introduction from the post) I think we should have done a quick search on Wikipedia , but to coin this phrase, which can not be more wrong, you must deliberately and completely ignore what 'written ... and it's really true, blogs are more scientific journalism (sigh!).
Finally, it is never, ever cite the scientific source of some news ...

And since I'm delighted to guess it, I predict that soon we will read the newspapers of this mold, " The kangaroo and a South American animal. "

Friday, July 16, 2010

Garment Racks For Sale

Welcome to the land of the Smurfs ...

Dopo la mozzarella blu ecco i fossili blu - oramai il paese dei cachi fa parlare di se in ambito scientifico solo dalle bufale prodotte in esso...

Ancient Italian artefacts get the blues.

"A mysterious blue sheen that is creeping over precious archaeological artefacts has sparked a political firestorm in Italy. Scientists are battling local authorities to save the damaged collection — and determine who is to blame.

How Much Does It Cost To Replace An Ipod Battery

Fossil casts doubt on the dating of the diversification in the main Old World monkeys

I due rami evolutivi che hanno portata da un lato agli ominidi ( Hominoidea ), inclusi noi stessi, e dall’altro verso il gruppo dei moderni cercopitechi ( Cercopithecoidea ) si sono separati più recentemente di quanto finora postulato.
Questa nuova ipotesi di datazione si basa sul ritrovamento di un cranio parziale nell'odierna Arabia Saudita occidentale.

Dai resti frammentari conosciuti precedentemente e considerati intermedi tra i due gruppi, datati tra i 23 - 30 milioni di anni, si era concluso che la diversificazione sia avvenutoa come minimo tra i 30 ai 35 milioni di anni fa.

Ma i nuovi fossili, rinvenuti nel 2009 nella parte mediale della formazione geologica di Shumaysi, sono stati datati a un’età compresa between 28 and 29 million years, and include parts of the skull of an individual male.
characters more distinctive, for its attribution to a common ancestor, have a muzzle protruded, missing side of the nasal cavity and large molars. These characters in the authors' research does not coincide with the fossils of the Old World monkeys (Catarrhini ) so far known, and seem to confirm the attribution of this species in the transition of the two major groups included in catarrhine, which the new research has just separated 28 million years ago.

Fig.1. The fossil was found ...

Fig.2. ... Mohammed Ali is the geologist (one of the authors of the research) before the formation Shumaysi where the encounter (source for both images: University of Michigan / Museum of Paleontology / Iyad S. Zalmout).


ZALMOUT, IS, SANDERS, WJ; MACLATCHY, LM, Gunnell, GF, AL-MUFARREH, YA, ALI, MA; NASSER, AH, Al-Masar, AM, Al-Sobhi, SA; NADHRA, AO, Matara, AH, WILSON, JA & Gingerich, PD (2010): New Oligocene primate from Saudi Arabia and the divergence of apes and Old World monkeys. Nature Vol 466: 360-364 doi: 10.1038/nature09094

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Monopoly Title Deed Card Template

Dimetrodon Is Not a Dinosaur!

include statements of Italian journalism that whales are descended from a fox , that s whales which are in fact mammals, here is another pearl of copy and paste: citing a hypothesis to explain the evolution of ridges in the "dinosaurs", the news is accompanied by a bell '(?) copy of Dimetrodon. but the text also refers to the dinosaurs!
continues the cheerful melee between dinosaurs, pterosaurs, mammals, reptiles, mammals, birds, mammals, mammalian, and more.
A quick search reveals that the news is spreading on the usual sites dedicated to crap. This error could be corrected with a quick search: just looking on wikipedia: Dimetrodon is a PELYCOSAURO (not being too picky) - Another example confirms this - the Italians blog dedicated to "debunking" of paleontology news are absolutely necessary.

Fig.1. Ricostruzione di " Dimetrodon " dal film " Yor ".

Fig.2. Filogenia semplificata dei Sinapsidi in relazione a mammiferi e dinosauri - notare che Dimetrodon é un sfenocodonte , é parente piú stretto di noi che dei dinosauri, figura presa da KENNETH 2009.


KENNETH, D.A. (2009): Dimetrodon Is Not a Dinosaur : Using Tree Thinking to Understand the Ancient Relatives of Mammals and Their Evolution. Evo Edu Outreach 2: 257-271

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Wedding Inquiry Letter

The saber-toothed tiger: The perfect predator recognizes his bones

Fig.1. A representation of Smilodon of 1903, as the pioneering work of Charles R. Knight, Chorlton figure by 1985.

few extinct predators are known to the general public as the saber-toothed tiger, which is held for its spectacular tusks as a perfect example of a mammalian predator.
But the study of structure and shape of the teeth revealed that possess an oval section, which is why, unlike the big cats of today, are inadequate to withstand the forces of a prey that struggles to free himself from the bite of the predator (MCHENRY et al. 2007). According to this model, to avoid a fracture of the canines, it was necessary for these predators to manage and immobilize the prey as effectively as possible.

comparing radiographs of the saber-toothed tiger, Smilodon Fatalis , the American lion, Panthera atrox , and 28 species of modern cats, a recently published research (MEACHEN-Samuels et al. 2010) actually observed that the shoulders of the front legs of S. Fatalis were much thicker in relation to their length, and the outer bone cortex was more developed in comparison to all other cats studied.

Based on these observations, the research concludes that Smilodon was a powerful predator that differs from existing big cats in its increased ability to subdue its prey using the forelimbs. This development and the resulting force majeure forelimb was part of a complex adaptation driven by the need to minimize the duration el 'size of the fight to overwhelm their prey in order to protect the elongated canines and accurately place the final lethal bite.


Chorlton, W. (And) (1985): Ice Ages (Planet Earth). Time-Life Books: 176
MEACHEN-SAMUELS, J.A. & VALKENBURGH, B. van (2010): Radiographs Reveal Exceptional Forelimb Strength in the Sabertooth Cat, Smilodon fatalis . PLOS One 5(7): e11412. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0011412
McHENRY, C.R.; WROE, S.; CLAUSEN, P.D:; MORENO, K. & CUNNINGHAM, E. (2007): Supermodeled sabercat, predatory behavior in Smilodon fatalis revealed by high-resolution 3D computer simulation. PNAS Vol. 104(41): 16010-16015

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Moes Catering How Much

L. melvillei: A new Miocene whale unusual South American

Quando furono trovati i primi fossili nel deserto del Perù i ricercatori pensarono alle zanne di un elefante, ma i resti parziali del cranio e i denti sono risultati appartenere a una balena del Miocene (ca.12-13Ma) lunga fino a 14m. I fossili sono stati scoperti nel 2008 nel deserto di Pisco-Ica, nel sud del Perù, e ora descritti e pubblicati in un articolo nella rivista “Nature”. Tra i resti frammentari, spuntano la mandibola e i 29 denti, che raggiungono una lunghezza fino a 40cm e una larghezza di 12cm, i più grandi denti di balena finora conosciuti.

Fig.1 . Rappresentazione schematica dei resti ricuperati, cranio in vista dorsale (a) e ventrale (b), mandibola in vista dorsale (c), vista laterale della mandibola attaccata al cranio(d), e-g dentatura di L. melvillei, h+i dentatura di capodoglio attuale, figura da LAMBERT et al. 2010.

La nuova specie, che rappresenta anche un nuovo genere, è stata provvisoriamente denominata Leviathan melvillei , il nome del genere è ispirato al racconto del mostro marino mitologico nella Bibbia e la specie è un tributo all’autore Melville, conosciuto per il suo racconto su di Moby-Dick. Secondo contestazioni al momento non ancora ufficiali la denominazione Leviathan però è già occupato per un genere di proboscidato nordamericano (KOCH 1841).

Secondo la ricerca l’animale è paragonabile con il comune capodoglio ( Physeter macrocephalus ), il più grande odontocete esistente, è la dentatura conferma che si doveva trattare di un predatore specializzato per grosse prede. Moderni capodogli possiedono denti relativamente piccoli, dato che preferiscono cibarsi di grandi cefalopodi, che più che azzannare lì “risucchiano”. Data la grandezza nella mole e nella dentatura della nuova specie, si specula che tra le prede abituali si trovavano anche balene più piccole, che con le loro riserve di grasso sarebbero bastate per il fabbisogno del Leviathan .

Fig.2. Rebuilding Leviathan melvillei during the act of first refusal on a whale, smaller on the fragmented remains of the appearance of the skull is speculative and is based primarily on the alleged relationship with the current sperm whale.


LAMBERT, O., Bianucci, G.; POST, K., de Muizon, C., Sala-Gismondi, R., Urbino, M. & REUMER, J. (2010): The bite of a giant new raptorial sperm whale from the Miocene epoch of Peru. Nature Vol 466: 105-108 doi: 10.1038/nature09067